Why Nico Rides
Nicolai is art director at Race Service. Growing up he was interested in all things subculture and its graphics. Now he fools people into thinking his analog process is something mass produced and uses it for his message.
“Well, I feel like because my work is predominantly typographic. I have the opportunity to use it as a message board. I believe that we have the chance to kind of get together and we have to make statements for others to see so that they can say, I believe in that also.”
Learn more about Nico in the video below or give him a follow on Instagram @ornamentalconifer to see what he's painting on right now.
Client: Hunt
Year: 2022
coming soon

Why Randi Rides
Randi Burley is a cyclist and engineer who grew up in LA.
Randi Burley: "I’ve always loved cycling. But I think it was my wanting to explore more. And so road cycling felt like some big thing. Something only for the rich, only for the wealthy. Really only for men. […] at that time, to be a women and to be a black women on a bike, let alone in spandex was unheard of. Taking that on was taking on a new challenge."
Learn more about Randi in the video below or give her a follow on Instagram @corenda to see what she's currently up to.
Client: Hunt
Year: 2021

The Why I Ride series is a collaboration with our friends at Hunt Bike Wheels highlighting different riders while getting to know them and learning about their motivation to ride their bikes.

© 2022 by HASEL& Privacy Terms & Condition Photos by Etienne Schoeman, Lorenz Weisse, Daniel Hasel and Joni Hasel

Why Christopher Rides
Christopher Stricklen is a photographer and cyclist in the Bay Area and part of the photo collective @photo.pace telling compelling visual stories.
Christopher Stricklen: "When I first picked up a camera it was because and when I started cycling. Capture the culture and the lifestyle of cycling outside of racing. Those are the types of stories we want to tell because that’s where a majority of the people can connect with the bike.”
Learn more about Christopher in the video below or give him a follow on Instagram @creedub to see what he's currently working on.
Client: Hunt
Year: 2021